
Crystal Castles ställer in turné efter våldtäkts-anklagelser

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Crystal Castles tidigare frontfigur, Alice Glass, beskrev i ett långt brev publicerat på hennes officiella sida hur hennes tidigare bandkollega har betett sig mot henne genom åren. Nu ställer Crystal Castles in alla sina planerade konserter, meddelar Consequence Of Sound. Allt som allt handlar det om 14 planerade konserter i USA och Kanada.

På Alice Glass hemsida kan man bland annat läsa:

"The momentum that’s been created recently by the many courageous women who have opened up about their own stories has inspired me to finally be more direct, at whatever cost. This is for my own recovery, for the other women who have been, are currently, or may be in a similar situation with the man who abused me for years, and for those in abusive relationships who are looking to stand up and speak out."
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Alice Glass, som var medlem i Crystal Castles från bandets start 2006 till 2014, skriver om år av manipulation, hård kontroll, fysiskt våld, psykologisk misshandel och våldtäkt.

"He became physically abusive. He held me over a staircase and threatened to throw me down it. He picked me up over his shoulders and threw me onto concrete. He took pictures of my bruises and posted them online. I tried to leave, and he swore that it would never happen again, that he would never physically abuse me again. More severe psychological and emotional abuse took its place."

Artikeln fortsätter under videon.

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När Alice Glass lämnade bandet 2014 var den officiella anledningen att en rad professionella och personliga orsaker gjorde det omöjligt för artisten att genom Crystal Castles utveckla sitt artisteri i den mån hon önskade.

I gårdagens brev berättar hon en annan historia.

"He controlled everything I did. I wasn’t allowed to have my own phone or my own credit card, he decided who my friends were, read through my private emails, restricted my access to social media, regulated everything I ate. He berated me and yelled at me, telling me that I was a joke, that all the people that came to our shows were only interested in his instrumentals and that I was ruining the band. He broke glass shower doors to frighten me, he locked me into rooms. He told me that my feminism made me a target for rapists and only he could protect me. He forced me to have sex with him or, he said, I wouldn’t be allowed to be in the band anymore."

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Ethan Kath har, via sin advokat, gått ut med ett officiellt svar på Alice Glass brev, skriver Pitchfork:

“I am outraged and hurt by the recent statements made by Alice about me and our prior relationship. Her story is pure fiction and I am consulting my lawyers as to my legal options. Fortunately, there are many witnesses who can and will confirm that I was never abusive to Alice.”

Och nu väljer alltså hans band att ta en paus från scenen.