
Madonna hyllar Aretha Franklin – och sågas

GAFFA.se – allt om musik

Aretha Franklin gick bort i förra veckan, 76 år gammal. Många är de som har hyllat souldrottningen, exempelvis Ariana Grande, och GAFFA står med en hyllningskrönika.

Under gårdagens MTV-gala fick den alldeles nyss 60 år fyllda Madonna i uppgift att säga några väl valda ord om Aretha Franklin – och detta råkade slå fel ordentligt. Flera medier skriver nu om Aretha Franklin-fans som rasar efter ett tal som mer handlade om Madonna än om den nyss bortgångna stjärnan.

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Franklin nämndes bara då Madonna berättade att hon framfört hennes sång (You Make Me Feel Like A) Natural Woman vid en audition och i slutet av talet då Madonna tackade Franklin, skriver Variety, rapporterar Omni.

Många tog direkt efter talet till Twitter för att häva ur sina tankar om det uppmärksammade talet.

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”Av alla svarta artister de hade kunnat välja ut för att prata om arvet efter souldrottningen Aretha Franklin så valde MTV Madonna som nämnde Aretha en gång i en lång berättelse?”, skriver en på Twitter, medan en annan menar att: ”Så istället för en riktig hyllning till Aretha lät ni bara Madonna prata om sig själv i 30 minuter?”, enligt Aftonbladet.

Artikeln fortsätter efter klippet.

Här kan du läsa talet i sin helhet:

Aretha Louise Franklin changed the course of my life. I left Detroit when I was 18. Thirty-five dollars in my pocket. My dream was to make it as a professional dancer. After years of struggling and being broke, I decided to go to audition for musical theater; I heard the pay was better. I had no training or dreams ever, ever becoming a singer, but I went for it. I got cut and rejected from every audition. Not tall enough. Not blends-in enough. Not pretty enough, not enough, enough. Then, one day, a French disco sensation was looking for backup singers and dancers for a world tour. I thought, why not? I could go back to getting robbed, held at gunpoint and being mistaken for a prostitute in my third-floor walkup that was a crack house. I am a rebel, hard.

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So I set up for the audition. Two large French record producers sat in the empty theater, daring me to be amazing. The dance audition went well. They asked if I had sheet music and a song prepared. I panicked. I overlooked this important part of the process. I had to think fast. My next meal was on the line. Fortunately, one of my favorite albums was Lady Soul by Aretha Franklin. I blurted out. "You make me feel… you make me feel like an actual woman." Two French guys shouted at me. “You know, by Aretha Franklin.” They looked over at the pianist. [I said] “I don't need sheet music, I know every word. I know the song. I will sing it a cappella.” I could see they didn't take me seriously. Why should they? Some skinny-ass while girl is going to come up here and belt out a song from one of the greatest soul singers ever, a cappella? I said, “Bitch, I'm Madonna.” No, I didn't. Just kidding. I wasn't “Madonna” yet. I don't know who I was. I don't know what came over me.

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I walked over and started. When I was finished, I was drenched in nerve sweat. You know what that nerve sweat? They said, “We will call you one day, maybe soon.” Weeks went by. No phone call. Finally, the phone rang. It was one of the producers: “We don't think you are right for this job.” “Why are you calling me?” He replied, “We think you have great potential. You are rough around the edges. We want to bring you to Paris and make you a star. We will put you in a studio, with the great Giorgio Moroder.” I had no idea who that was, but I wanted to live in Paris and I wanted to eat some food. So, that was the beginning of my journey as a singer. I left for Paris, but I came back a few months because I had not earned the life I was living. It felt wrong. They were good people. I wanted to write my own songs and be a musician, not a puppet. I needed to go home and learn guitar. That is what I did. And the rest is history.  

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So, you are probably all wondering why I am telling you this story. There is a reason, because none of this would have happened, could have happened, without our lady of soul. She led me to where I am today. And I know she influenced so many people in this house tonight. In this room tonight. And I want to thank you, Aretha, for empowering all of us. R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Long live the queen.
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