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Den sørgelige nyhed om at dronningen af soul, Aretha Franklin, sov stille ind i sit hjem i nat, er gået verden rundt. Nu hyldes den legendenariske sangerinde af utallige stjerner på de sociale medier.
Soulsangerinden Aretha Franklin blev 76 år gammel, men hun vil for altid blive husket for sin musikalske og kulturelle gennemslagskraft. Ikonet hyldes nu på de sociale medier, hvor sangere, skuespillere og andre stjerner minder hendes varme person og vigtige betydning for musikken.
Flere poster blot et billede af sangerinden med teksten "RESPECT" – hendes mest kendte sang, men flere deler længere hyldester til Franklin. Blandt andet skriver Elton John en længere tribut, der afsluttes med ordene: "Verden vil savne hende, men vil altid frydes ved hendes musikalske arv. Dronningen er død. Længe leve Dronningen".
LÆS OGSÅ: Sidste tæppefald for dronningen af soul
"Det er svært at forestille sig en verden uden hende," skriver Barbra Streisand på Twitter. "Ikke alene var hun en unik, brillant sangerinde, men hendes engagement i borgerrettigheder har haft en uudslettelig betydning for verden". Også Barack og Michelle Obama hylder soul-legenden med store ord i en officiel udtalelse. Et uddrag lyder således:
"Gennem hendes kompositioner og suveræne musikalitet bidrog Aretha til at definere den amerikanske oplevelse. Gennem hendes stemme kunne vi mærke vores historie, det hele i enhver nuance – vores styrke og vores smerte, vores mørke og vores lys, vores søgen efter frelse og vores hårdt-tilkæmpede respekt."
Læs et udvalg af de mange reaktioner nedenfor:
This photo was taken in 2012 when Aretha & I performed at a tribute celebration for our friend Marvin Hamlisch. It’s difficult to conceive of a world without her. Not only was she a uniquely brilliant singer,but her commitment to civil rights made an indelible impact on the world
— Barbra Streisand (@BarbraStreisand) 16. august 2018
I will forever cherish the moments I spent in your presence. Your indelible impact was earned not only by your incomparable voice but by your bigger than life personality, wit and humor. I say a BIG prayer for you. You will forever have all our RESPECT. Love, Mariah ♥️
— Mariah Carey (@MariahCarey) 16. august 2018
I'm saddened to learn that Aretha Franklin has passed.The most soulful and inspirational singer of our time. / Je suis attristée d'apprendre le décès d’Aretha Franklin. La chanteuse la plus inspirante de notre époque. - Céline xx…
— Celine Dion (@celinedion) 16. august 2018
: Kevin Mazur
Let’s all take a moment to give thanks for the beautiful life of Aretha Franklin, the Queen of our souls, who inspired us all for many many years. She will be missed but the memory of her greatness as a musician and a fine human being will live with us forever. Love Paul
— Paul McCartney (@PaulMcCartney) 16. august 2018
This is the face of a young man who couldn't believe he was actually singing with the GREATEST OF ALL TIME. Thank you, Ms. Franklin for blessing us with your incomparable gift. Honored to have shared the stage with you even for a moment. Always bowing down to you. #QueenofSoul
— Justin Timberlake (@jtimberlake) 16. august 2018
The choir of angels now have the greatest voice of all time to lead, praise and join in to sing before Jesus. I wanted to share this photo because it shows just how soulful Aretha was without uttering a word. To say I was humbled to be in her presence would be an understatement.
— Faith Hill (@FaithHill) 16. august 2018
Mourning the loss today of @ArethaFranklin who shared her spirit and talent with the world. She deserves not only our RESPECT but also our lasting gratitude for opening our eyes, ears and hearts. Rest in eternal peace, my friend.
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) 16. august 2018
The loss of @ArethaFranklin is a blow for everybody who loves real music: Music from the heart, the soul and the Church. Her voice was unique, her piano playing underrated – she was one of my favourite pianists.
— Elton John (@eltonofficial) 16. august 2018